Thursday, November 17, 2011

Research! Research! Research!

Learning to research can be a daunting task.  With the use of the Internet, researchers must be wise in choosing credible sources.  It is also important to work with a variety of sources - from both the Internet and from hard copies of journals, magazines, newspapers, books, and anthologies.  It is the PROCESS of research that is important to know.  Once a writer has gathered all of his or her research, making a plan is next.  Students write a research proposal that will identify the major points of the research paper.  Once this has been accomplished, students will begin to see their papers unfold.  In this blog post, reveal your thesis (if it is already approved) or your intended topic.  Then explain how you are obtaining reliable research.  You should also discuss how you are able to determine what a credible source might be.  Finally, how are you enjoying the research process so far?  Are you watching those points add up?